Are you looking for a little extra cash to handle your holiday expenses? TCCU can provide you, as a borrowing member in good standing, with that extra cash. For a small fee of $35.00 per loan, our Holiday Skip-A-Payment program allows you to defer or skip your December or January loan payment. The interest on your loan will continue to accrue, and all other terms will remain unchanged. You will make your December or January payment at the end of your loan term. To take advantage of this offer, visit 905 Pennoyer to complete an application and pay the $35.00 processing fee before your December or January payment is due. It’s that easy! Remember all borrowers must sign the letter before we process your skip-a-pay request. Skip-A-Pay applications can also be handled in the ITSME247 online banking section of tricu.org.
The loan must be April 30, 2023, or older, and all accounts must be current to qualify. Real estate-secured loans (mortgages), Visa, and Revolving loans (lines of credit) are not eligible for this promotion. By signing the Skip-A-Payment form, you authorize TCCU to extend your final loan payment by one month. You understand by deferring a payment, the interest will continue to accrue on your loan during the skipped month, which will increase the cost of borrowing. All other terms and provisions of the original loan agreement are unchanged and remain in full force and effect. All borrowers and co-borrowers must sign this agreement.